PCi Tec was awarded 3 Best Management Practices for its 9001:2015 Quality Management System.
An important feature of PCi Tec's management approach is our ISO-based 9001:2015 processes that include risk management, program management, supplier selection and management, quality management, quote and order tracking, and workflow management, which are centered on customer support and satisfaction. PCi Tec’s PMO offers clear lines-of-authority: ISO 9001:2015 it's processes and methodologies are effective and efficient.

PCi Tec is also a Open Trusted Technology Provider™ Standard (O-TTPS) ISO/IEC 20243:2018. This certification is one of the first standards aimed at assuring both the integrity of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) information and communication technology (ICT) products and the security of their supply chains. It helps to safeguard the products and their global supply chains against the increasing sophistication of cybersecurity attacks.